Sunday, September 9, 2018

Getting A Job Order Contract Done Right

By Henry Hall

The world used to be empty. There is no denying that. There was plenty of life around, life did in fact abound, but all of it was under the sea. Until one fish line creature evolved with legs and then it shuffled on to some ancient beach out of the primordial waters. A beach that may not even exist anymore thanks to primordial drift. But there it was. In what could accurately be described as a brand new world, at least relatively speaking. There it was, feeling everything for the first time in the history of the planet. Before that, nothing had ever felt the heat of the sun without the filter of water. Nothing had ever experienced the breeze. That singular act set in motion a chain of events. It was unlikely that the primitive brain house inside that creature could fully understand just how important it was to the destiny of the planet. But had it not had the courage to leave its literal comfort zone, terrestrial life would have evolved very differently, if at all. It is a possibility that humans would have never evolved. Which means no cities, no houses, no shopping malls. But humans did evolve, so they can create all that and other things with a job order contract.

First off, a JOC is a type of mutual agreement. It is signed by two or more parties. Now, it is mostly applied to things like construction and renovations.

They are needed for one thing. Efficiency. One of the main things they do is that they streamline the process, making everything go much more smoothly.

Now, when a person thinks of a contractor, they will likely picture someone who is working in construction or at least renovating homes or other structures. This is the most popular image of the trade. Now, they can either be a single person, or they can be a whole company.

Contractors are needed for one reason. Society has a division of labor. One person heals, another stops crime, another commits crime, and so on and so forth. As such, not everyone will have the skills needed to get a construction project done.

Templates should be easy enough to find. This is because of the internet. The first that should be done when looking for a template is simply to go online. This is because the internet has pretty much of the knowledge the humankind has been able to acquire on it.

A JOC covers a lot. One thing that they cover is service in the long term. This means that if any issues arise, or anything else is needed in construction, then the contractor has to be ready in case the owner needs them. This will often be a provision in a few cases.

The main benefit to this is the working relationship. Also the efficiency. With a JOC, things just tend to get done a lot quicker. Some projects can even be completed nine months ahead of schedule.

Living in the modern world means being comfortable. But that comfort does not come about by magic. No, it has to be built and maintained.

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