Monday, December 15, 2014

Guide To Building Cost Estimator

By Lucia Weeks

In January-December 2013. The average nominal monthly wage in construction was 27.7 thousand, which is 7.2% higher than in corresponding period of 2012 and by 7.6% - lower than the average. In 2013, the net financial result (profit minus loss) of construction companies (excluding small businesses) in current prices amounted to 121.0 bln (building cost estimator).

The process of creation of capital construction (including on-site facilities demolished), changes in construction (reconstruction), or major repairs should be distinguished from the conversion of premises in Federation explained that the Board on Civil Cases of Supreme Court of Federation (the Office systematization of legislation and judicial practice analysis) 03.19.2014 year.

Incarnation of n object of capital construction in kind in territory of Jurisdiction, its intention, expressed in his work ever created by the author (citizen), is done by the work on the creation of such technical documentation for this incarnation in nature, in order to implement the work, its concept.

Buildings can be represented by a simple masonry (wall etc.) By a structure (scale etc.), From a building (homes, offices, shops), from a public work (bridge, stadium etc.). Construction works are complex technical, organizational, and financial activities of a team of people. Supervision and responsibility for the process rests mainly on the construction manager. It is also subject to scrutiny by the many agencies and institutions, such as construction supervision, supervisors and administration, labor inspection, fire brigade, municipal police and others within their competence.

The current legislation of Federation does not contain concept design stage. In accordance with traditional customs are carried out: development of conceptual design (optional step - is performed to match the customer preliminary design decisions). Preparation of project documentation (obligatory stage, as a general rule subject to examination, on the basis of positive expert opinion is issued a construction permit).

In context of management is necessary to distinguish the concept of "project" within meaning of "some problem with certain input data and the desired outcomes (objectives), determines the way of its solution" and specific to construction industry the term "project" in meaning of "design documents".

Investment and Construction Project (ICP) - a system of defined goals, established for the implementation of physical objects (real estate), processes, technology and organizational documentation for them, material, financial, labor and other resources, as well as management decisions and actions to implement them. The word "pre-investment" is spelled with an "s" similar words "previous", "development". Under the law, preparation and implementation of project documentation without the implementation of relevant engineering research is not allowed.

Commissioning and Operational tests are carried out according to approved program of customer commissioning and operational tests, which are specified in terms of work, the modes for which you want to display the main process equipment. In architecture and engineering, construction is the implementation of the previously prepared project, be it a building or a work of art, which are larger works for infrastructure such as bridges, viaducts or tunnels. It is the implementation of all stages of the foundation to finishing project. Are to build contained in the project, respecting the construction techniques and technical standards.

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