Saturday, July 13, 2013

Jusuru Review: Worth The Price?

By Ken Acree

Hang around Jusuru Distributors for very long and you may hear that their company is home to the new fountain of youth. On the other side of the spectrum, critics decry the business as a scam. are other statements true, or is the truth somewhere in the middle? It is a wise thing to check out the facts. We will discuss the details about this company, from the products and pay plan, to the industry that it calls home. By the end of this article we will get to the bottom of the mystery.

The first thing necessary is to dispel the concept that Jusuru might be some type of scam enterprise. The executives of this business have chosen to market their products through the Multi-level Marketing distribution system. Thousands of companies worldwide use this process or one like it to distribute their goods.

The network distribution concept is a wise way to conduct business. Traditional businesses are reliant on television, radio, billboard, and newspaper advertisements to name a few. MLM Companies prefer to pay individuals directly for referring products that they use and approve. This Cuts out the middle man, and makes a lot of sense.

Jusuru uses an ingredient in all of its products called Biocell Collagen. Skeptics are resistant to the idea that collagen could be very beneficial when consumed. Satisfied customers rave about the health benefits that they attribute to this ingredient. The truth is, no one can say for sure. Without clinical double blind studies, this is really all conjecture.

This company gets high marks from me for what I see as a fair compensation structure. I have analyzed enough comp plans to see red flags a mile away. From a pay stand point you are safe with this company, at least how things stand today.

I appreciate the fact that you can earn a vehicle incentive at a reachable level. Pay a car bonus too early, and too many folks gain then lose it. Pay it too late and no one ever qualifies. Jusuru gets this one just right.

The last remaining issue with this business is the price of the products. Many reviews blast the products as a high priced waste.

Truly, that is the bottom line. If you see value in Jusuru products at the present price, then you should buy them. If you believe others will also see value, then you may want to consider being a Rep. There will always be critics. Worry less about what they think and more about what customers think and you will be just fine.

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