Monday, July 1, 2013

How To Establish Yourself As A Top Sponsor Within Any Affiliate Program

By Howe Russell

Everywhere you look on the internet you'll see opportunities to make money online as an affiliate marketer in your spare time. Companies like Empower Network and Global Domains International happily promote the idea of living life on your own terms. However, if you truly want to become your own boss via the worldwide web, how do you avoid getting lost in the mix of everybody else who's doing the same thing?

Before you can get anywhere, you need to start embracing the truth. Over 95% of people who try to earn a living via their computer do not succeed. That's a fact.

So what is the 'secret formula' that the so-called Guru's have got nailed down? What keeps them earning a living while most others can't even get started in the industry?

While there are no guarantees in self employment, there are a number of things you can do in order to establish yourself as a real leader in your chosen affiliate program or home business opportunity. In fact, the first of those things has just been mentioned. Successful affiliates realize that there are no guarantees, therefore they recognize the importance of putting in the hard work for themselves if they want to achieve real, long-term results. When it comes down to the physical things you need to do, there are a few basic principles which come into play.

Most folks overlook the first and most important step to becoming your own boss.

If you were starting a business in your local high street, what is the first thing you would do? You would put together a business plan to get your idea down on paper and lay out some long-term goals. That is exactly what you should do with your online business, too. The problem with the MLM industry is that it plays on the idea of treating your business as a casual, part-time hobby. Those who are successful do not do this.

One of the biggest issues in home business is that people don't work consistently enough. Setting out a plan at the beginning will help you break that bad habit and treat your goals seriously.

But with potentially thousands of other people working as affiliates in the same company you choose, how on Earth are you supposed to get noticed? Look at the most common problem and use it to your own advantage. In MLM and home business, the biggest problem in the industry is poor sponsors. People simply do not help others to succeed. By providing useful tips and friendly, helpful content you will not find it difficult to attract new customers and also build a large following of existing affiliates who will begin to wish they had connected with you when they first joined.

You don't need to get too technical, a simple blog would be a good start so people can find you in search engines. Use free marketing resources to establish your brand. Everybody has access to tools like Facebook, Twitter and Youtube yet very few affiliate marketers make the most of them.

How come some people are able to enjoy great social media success whereas others don't know how to get started with it? Simple. While many internet marketers spend their time online running around like headless chickens trying to do too many things at once, the successful marketers tie all their work together. Their blog is their hub, and all social media outlets lead back there. []

This allows you to find previously unreachable customers. If you spend all your time working on putting out blog content into Google you're missing those who primarily use Youtube, Twitter and Facebook when in fact you could be using all four methods seamlessly.

By embedding a Youtube clip into your blog you will make it more interesting to look at, as well as increasing your video's ranking on Youtube for your targeted keywords. By having videos out there you also increase your ability to build a relationship with potential clients as well as having people on Youtube stumble across your video on autopilot. Facebook and Twitter are extremely good ways to encourage interaction and word-of-mouth advertising about your brand, too.

So the truth is the successful affiliates in most home businesses are not necessarily working any harder than others, they are merely providing value and managing their time a little bit more effectively.

If it is your ambition to make money online via affiliate programs like Empower Network or Vi then you need to spend a little bit of time learning how to separate yourself from the masses. Use the fact that most sponsors in home businesses lack the determination to put in the ground work to build a solid income. Once you set out your goals and create a timetable which allows you to structure your efforts a little bit more effectively, your results will inevitably improve.

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