Monday, July 8, 2013

Email Marketing Essentials To Remember

By Wilson Resturbee

You've probably been reading all about email marketing and ways to go about it. This is due to the fact that all Internet Marketers have faith that Internet Marketing is the most ideal way to make money. It is factual, that you can often make money with your lists. At this time, it is likely that you have already been hunting around for all the concealed maneuvers that will help drive your lists into making high profits. Would it surprise you to know that, often, the best thing that you can do is get back to the basics of selling to people through email? The following are some things that you should always remember.

Do split testing on your emails. Testing is critical to all areas of Internet Marketing but it tends to be a lot easier to do in email marketing than with things like articles, ads or websites.

Don't base your email content on PLR. Poor quality, cheap PLR is something a lot of email marketers use in a misguided attempt to pad out their mailings. Your readership is worth more than that. It is true that there are slow news days. Of course it takes time and effort to write quality content that your audience will find helpful. It doesn't matter! It is better to send fewer emails that are extra valuable than it is to send lots of emails with poor content.

Double checking to make sure that people actually do want to subscribe to your list is something that your autoresponder can do for you. As soon as their email address is entered, they should receive an automatic confirmation email. Sometimes people are curious about your offers, and other times they make mistakes - this is why you want to send out this automated message. People may subscribe to your list, and stay there, simply because you offer them the option to back out. The perception will be that you care more about them than making money. Ironically, this is what will usually raise your profits by quite a lot.

If a person decides to leave your list, then don't sweat it and let them go. Many email marketers turn into stalkers in an attempt to "save the boat" and try to push the person to return. Just send a quick "sorry you left" message and remove the address from the list. If, by some error, their email isn't taken off your list and they've still been getting emails from you, apologize to them with a short personal message. They might even return on their own after they see that. It can be very tempting, especially when doing email marketing, to be distracted by offers the promise you the moon. Every day it seems like some new flashy technique is being revealed what will double or even triple your profits. Realize that most of these offers will only work momentarily. If you really want to be able to keep earning a good income from your list it's best to stick with the basics. In this article, we have shown you a couple of them. Do you know any more? Try to think of them today!

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