Monday, July 22, 2013

Becoming An Internet Marketer Could Be Fun

By Douglas Blackley

You're probably thinking that as an internet marketer you can rake in a large income with little effort!

You may have been led to believe that its simple. Select a popular product to promote, set up a few websites and watch the money roll in. Anyone could do this right? WRONG!

"Opportunities" are abundant in the marketplace. From the $29 opportunity to about $250, opportunities of every type are offered. The sales pitch makes it sound foolproof. Just buy our product or service, plug in your name and you're on your way to riches you never dreamed possible. The reason you never dreamed that riches were that easy is because they are not. Once you make your purchase, you usually find out the product doesn't deliver what was promised. You usually have to invest more money to make it work.

Most people who buy into these opportunities do not succeed. They never make any money. Once they have the product, they find that they really have to invest more time, money, or both to make it work and just give up. They don't even take advantage of the "money back guarantee" because of the hassle of getting their money back. The scammers just continue to offer their opportunities to unsuspecting targets.

Starting a new business requires a basic set of business skills. Whether opening an internet business or a brick and mortar business, the skill set is no different. An internet business generally requires far less capital than a brick and mortar business. Whichever you choose you should remember that good business practice will be required to succeed.

You have to offer something that the marketplace wants to buy, you have to offer it at a competitive price, and you have to create traffic to your location in order to sell the item in quantity.

There are myriad resources available for identifying what's selling at the moment. Once you select a product, you have to decide whether you're going to establish a brick and mortar business or an internet business.

Choosing an internet store can be challenging. There are so many possibilities. Do you set up an e-bay store or create a website. It doesn't really matter. You're still going to have to drive traffic to your store to achieve sales success.

Getting traffic to your store is the marketing part of internet marketing. Since most people don't want to be "pitched" old advertising techniques just don't work as well as they used to. Attraction marketing is a new technique that works much better.

Free is a frequently used word which usually causes people to look further. Offering something of value for free causes people to come back to your site time and again. They get to know you and have benefited from whatever you offered for free. Now you can present your product or service as someone they know.

This approach is gaining in popularity among internet marketers and has proven successful for those who have implemented it.

My Lead System Pro is at the forefront of providing education using these techniques.



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