Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Ideas To Make Money Online

By Dale Nelson

When you work from home, you have the option to choose how you want to approach the market place in your area as you are not forced to have one specific location for people to drive by your place of business. It is easy from the comfort of your home office to find your client base on the internet and sometimes you may not even have to venture down the street.

We have decided to put together some ideas for you to consider when thinking about your target market and even come up with a few new options to make money online in South Africa. We personally use many of these methods to boost our monthly internet income by employing many of them in synch with the other. Sometimes whilst you are doing the work on one task, it makes sense to just do that little bit extra and have a value add to your service offering.

Now lets learn from the master internet entrepreneurs and see what they use daily to beat the competition;

Creating an online business can actually be quite simple in your area. The first and best method you should use, once you have learned how to work from home online and tested the proven techniques used, is to build a simple blog with a client's details so that they can easily be found in the market. Many of these companies are clueless as to how the internet works and you can offer a simple one off solution to provide their contact details and use the Google map function to show their address. These two things are usually enough to give the search engines enough to show their business when you search online for them. You can easily charge a thousand rand for this service.

With any new customers, you can start to offer additional services for their customers where they look professional and don't have to do any of the work themselves. You can ask them to get their customers email addresses from their database and send them product launches or info on upcoming specials. A simple email auto-responder will enable you to send mass emails out on their behalf to their customers. This could make you a few extra hundred a month for this service and adds up to a healthy sum when you start to collect regular clients that you help.

When you work with blogs and websites by using free templates, usually learning the simple tasks of how to change the images on these free templates will enable you to very simply make amendments to the blog visuals for a new client. You will need to understand a little bit about cascading style sheets and how they work as well as simple HTML language. When you can make changes to headings and font and colours of a template , the sky is the limit in creating an online presence for your clients.

Another method you can use to make some good money is to write the content for other internet marketers or website designers that have the clients, but would prefer to outsource the content writing part of their business. This is easy money if you can write engaging content for them to use for their clients. All websites and blogs require the written part in order to make sense and for readers to find them. These services are many as there is just to much to be written for any one company or person to do all of it under time constraints.

Another outsourced position online is called forum posting. At one time or another, most of us have found a forum on a topic we are researching on the internet. The people in these forums are sometimes paid to sit on these forums all day long or for their shift and send readers to a list of recommended products in that specific market. This is because the person selling the product would rather be working on other avenues of the business and pay someone to do it for them. Forum posting is a good method to add a little extra cash to your bottom line every month

One of the many secrets online at the moment is how to make a simple YouTube video. Many South African marketers are scared of the camera or to learn how to make a video for their website. The ease with which this can be learned will enable a few internet marketers to corner this market in South Africa. We are still new as a country in terms of making money online and this is the key to success after Google purchased YouTube. The credibility given to a website because it has a YouTube video is going to put those marketers who learn this early way ahead of the competition. Video is the future of purchasing products and advertising in South Africa.

All website designers or blog designers have to make their customers company logos. If they are able to outsource this part of the work, they would gladly pay you a few hundred bucks to do it. Being able to place words on top of photos is a simple enough task to do, but many people do not know how to do it. Many graphic artist students could use their skills to make some extra money online working for internet marketers who work form home in their area. If you add this to your skill set, you could easily do this when you are bored or need a few extra bucks every month.

A gap has been created to teach people live on Skype via the selling of online courses on any subject from your website.For a small payment each week, day or month you could give a Skype address for the lessons and be able to build your expertise with small niche markets. This is something that I will be looking to do one day whereby I can interview an expert in a specific field for say 30 minutes at a time. It could be video recorded for YouTube or even for future use. The potential to teach subjects in South Africa is endless at the moment as more and more students move to the internet for online learner-ships that are far cheaper than classroom based events that require travel etc.

Blogging is a fantastic way to test your skills for your business venture. This website ranks on page 1 for more than 10 different terms in the make money online in South Africa marketplace. Without learning how to do this with a blog, I would not have been able to advise my clients correctly when faced with their questions. Blogs were for me the easiest method to begin with, due to the massive numbers of plugins and templates that are freely available to use by beginner blog users. You can now host your own websites and blogs through one control panel and have all your blog templates ready for any new topic you wish to create for a client. If there is one place an internet marketer should spend his time, I would definitely say it should be to learn how to blog in order to make money. Learn how to build blogs, change blog features and how to set up blogs for revenue streams.

If you can master the art of building blogs, you will be able to find other internet marketers who share the same philosophy of making money online. You can start to learn different tactics and hints that will help you move forward easily. Every blogger has learned or found something that someone else has not quite grasped yet. Learning from blogging forums is a great way to take your ideas to the next level and create a good reputation to other learning how to make money form blogging in South Africa.

When making videos for YouTube and other similar video hosting websites like Vimeo , you will be able to separate the audio track out of the video. This presents an ideal opportunity to share the audio track as a podcast for your blog or website with no extra work at all. Look at podcasts when building your network of clients, subscribers or members for your website as using video can easily be very costly for some customers, as in South Africa we all know that downloading can cost us a small fortune unless we have uncapped ADSL.

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