Sunday, May 26, 2013

Doubling Your Profits Is Simple When You Focus On The Backend

By James Kupe

When somebody buys a product or service from you, but they aren't happy with it, what happens? Most business owners will do whatever they have to do to make things right. I'm going to show you how to leverage that goodwill to increase your profits quickly, without increasing your own risk.

Today we're going to look at one of the most underutilized ways of attracting new customers you could ever think of, but it won't work until you first realize a very important fact. If there is a high probability of customers coming back to your business over and over again to purchase from you, your most critical job should be getting new customers to make a first purchase from you as quickly as you possibly can.

But think about what might happen if your customers knew that buying from you had no risk attached. So if they purchased from you instead of someone else, it would mean their purchase was totally protected. Do you think if they knew that, it might help you to increase your sales? Maybe, right?

The fact is, whenever two people come together in a business transaction, one person is always asking the other person to take on more of the risk. And a very good way for you to generate more trust in your prospects and customers (so they are more comfortable buying from you) is for YOU to assume more of the risk than they do.

Here's why...

If you're asking your customers to assume the risk when they are buying your product or service, many of them simply won't buy. And that means a lot of your potential customers won't make that critical first buying decision that leads to all of your profitable backend sales. They'll put it off, and possibly even go to one of your competitors instead (oh, the horror).

And if people don't buy from you and get into your sales funnel, you won't get all of those backend sales you might have made - and you know that nearly ALL of the profits are in the backend, don't you? So by taking away the customer's risk that first time, you'll have a lot more customers, who will probably buy a lot more from you in the future.

When you've answered these 2 questions, you're probably going to have a giant smile on your face as you think about the implications. Now sit down with your team and decide on what methods you can use to start making as many sales to new customers as you can.

And if you are already offering a great guarantee, make sure everybody KNOWS about it, so they are more comfortable about making those buying decisions. You might as well make this a feature of doing business with you instead of hiding it away somewhere. Give this idea a test run for 2 weeks and see what happens. I think you'll have an epiphany and make a lot more money as a result.

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