Saturday, May 25, 2013

3 Ways To Earn A Living Doing What You Love

By James Kupe

Are you one of those who would really love to earn a living doing something you love? If you are serious about turning one of your hobbies into a business, here's what many have found to be the top 3 ways of accomplishing just that.

Option 1 - Create Products And Sell Them At Markets And Fairs

This is a very popular option, particularly among people who create craft products, grow plants and source general consumer items. There are hundreds of markets and fairs held each week, so it's fairly easy to get involved if this is something you'd like to try.

The good part about promoting your products at a market or fair is that if you select one that has a history of merchant's selling products similar to yours, you'll probably have a steady stream of interested customers walking through your booth throughout the day.

The negative is that a lot of markets bring in people searching for bargains and people who will haggle with you and attempt to beat you down. That means you might not make a whole lot of money for all of your time and effort.

Option 2 - Use eBay To Sell Products Related To Your Hobby

There are people all over the world earning regular profits from their hobby by selling merchandise and how-to information on eBay. The upside is that you have a thriving, global marketplace for your products. Plus, it doesn't matter how unusual or obscure your products are, there's bound to be at least a few people interested in buying from you.

The downside is that you have to keep running new auctions, physically ship your products, have customer contact, organize payments, follow up and generally make sure your business keeps going day in, day out.

Option 3 - Build A Website Around Your Hobby

The benefit of this approach is that when you've finished building your website, your business could be almost hands off. You can still do most of the work if you want to, or if you have the money, you an outsource a lot of the grunt work to other people quite inexpensively. The disadvantage of a website advertising items associated with your hobby is that many sites don't manage to draw in enough site visitors to make a profit.

It can be quite heart breaking to spend the time and money building an online business, then never seeing enough visitors to make it pay. You'll need to do a bit of study and work out how you are going to attract customers to your online store, but once you know how to do that, you'll be off and running.

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