Monday, June 11, 2018

What Benefits Can Businesses Reap From Collaborative Technology Solutions?

By Diane Barnes

It's safe to say that the advent of enterprise networking heralded the fall of email as the communication platform of choice. Unlike the latter, collaborative technology solutions allow teams to coordinate efforts in real time instead of spending hours scouring through one's inbox. Taking into account the increasingly-competitive nature of the modern commercial landscape, it's only natural that you'll want to know what benefits you could reap from adopting such a platform.

When used correctly, collaborative platforms decrease the feeling of isolation among employees. The ability to communicate instantly fosters cohesion in a manner similar to how social media unites geographically-dispersed individuals. This in turn makes team members become invested in each other, which results in a more effective community overall.

Obviously, the need to separate roles across departments goes hand-in-hand with uniting all these outfits under the same objective(s). Part of this involves deploying a company-wide communicative framework, which is way outside the scope of what email is meant to cover. In this scenario, email is much more likely to foster chaos than it is to create an intelligent workflow. By contrast, networking platforms are usually designed with this scale of collaboration in mind.

A networking platform that spans the width of your organization will streamline the storage and handling of documents. Because your files will be stored centrally instead of being housed in separate locations, their management and retrieval will both be easier. Better still, opting for a cloud-based platform will virtually assure you of unlimited bandwidth and space.

Social collaboration makes company information accessible to all, the same of which can't be said of email. With the latter, an individual can quickly become a bottleneck when information gets locked up in their account. This not only limits its usefulness, but also results in its loss when the person leaves. Only a networking portal can avert both instances while safeguarding intellectual resources.

With a networking portal in place, employees will have access to workflows from anywhere, at any time. This flexibility comes in handy even when the workforce isn't dispersed geographically. Why? Studies have shown that most people tend to come up with their best work-related ideas while they are away from the office. Investing in a collaboration platform will thus make your workers' creative abilities more useful to your company.

Adopting a collaborative platform will greatly increase your chances of recruiting high-talent employees. This is all thanks to the ability to communicate in multiple ways, which is in tandem with what today's workforce is used to. In an age where millennials are rapidly edging baby boomers out of the workplace, this is an investment that will continue to pay off for years to come.

From resource allocation to scheduling tasks to meet deadlines, project management will be easier and more effective with a networking solution on board. This translates to higher performance levels and an enhanced ability to meet your clients' expectations. Speaking of which, a system that includes a customer portal will also streamline communications with clients as well.

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