Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Guidelines When You Need To Purchase Mailing Lists

By Casandra Newton

Mailing is one method that is widely being adopted by marketers all over the world to contact their potential clients. The good thing with this method of marketing is that it knows no geographical boundary. The mails can be sent to subscribers across the borders. However, without a good mailing list, all your efforts will go unrewarded. Before going out to purchase mailing lists, the following guidelines may help you end up with a good list that will earn you more responses.

Your number one factor should be the origin of details in the list. You must be very careful before you commit to buying the list to ensure that they are from a viable source. Most brokers usually collect details from publicly available sources like the phone books and yellow pages. Such lists are collected without the knowledge of the subscribers and may not be very effective. Another source of such information is to allow clients to voluntarily register so that they can be informed about particular products.

You also need to give serious consideration to the information contained in the list. The purpose why any entrepreneur would buy such a list is for marketing. A good list should therefore contain the first and last name of the potential client and all their relevant contact details. Without this, there is no way you will be able to communicate with your clients.

Price is another crucial factor. This usually varies from a few dollars to hundreds per name. Of course scrambled list will be a little bit cheaper because of the fact that it contains details that are publicly available. On the other side of the spectrum, opt in list will be a little bit costlier but likely to be more productive.

A good quality mailing list should also contain only the current details concerning subscribers. Some people change their addresses on a regular basis. For your list to remain relevant in such a situation, you should also update it more regularly. This needs to be done not less than once in every six months.

A list is only useful when you use it immediately after its purchase. As such, it is imperative to factor in when you intend to use your list. If you are not yet ready to use it, you should always avoid buying it as it may over stay and become stale.

Who sells you the list is also of great importance. You should to some research about brokers and ensure that you settle on one who is reputable. This will ensure that you buy the current list. Otherwise, you may end up buying a list that is already expired and this will only cost your business.

By considering all the above tips before you purchase mailing lists, one will be sure of lots of positive responses for their mails. Every list must also be updated frequently. Failure to which, even a good list will one day become stale and will be less effective.

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